Excelsa: The Undiscovered Gem Ready to Bloom in the Coffee Renaissance

Coffee, the elixir of mornings, the fuel of late nights, the liquid language of countless conversations. Yet, beneath the frothy latte and the smooth cold brew lies a world waiting to be explored – a world where Excelsa coffee, the enigmatic cousin of Arabica, prepares to emerge from the shadows and claim its rightful place in the spotlight.

Think back a century ago. Whiskey flowed freely, a potent libation downed without reverence. Sipping, savoring, appreciating the nuances of terroir and barrel – these were notions reserved for the refined few. Fast forward to today, and the spirits industry has undergone a metamorphosis. Craft distilleries dot the landscape, each bottle a canvas expressing the artistry of the maker. Palates have become discerning, noses trained to detect the whisper of peat smoke in a single malt or the floral symphony of a gin botanical blend.

A similar transformation has swept through the realm of wine. Gone are the days of plonk in a box, replaced by meticulous vineyard selection, terroir-driven varietals, and the intricate dance of oak aging. Beer, too, has shed its mass-produced cloak, blossoming into a kaleidoscope of flavors – bitter IPAs, tart sours, fruity saisons, each a testament to the brewer’s passion and ingenuity.

Coffee, despite its ubiquitous presence, lags behind in this cultural revolution. Sure, the latte art scene thrives, and cold brew has become a trendy ritual. But when it comes to appreciating the intrinsic qualities of the bean, the story takes a different turn. Robusta reigns supreme in instant mixes, while Arabica holds court in specialty cafes, adored for its smooth complexity. Yet, in this familiar landscape, Excelsa stands poised to disrupt the equilibrium.

Why Excelsa? Imagine a coffee that defies easy categorization. Unlike Arabica’s delicate grace, Excelsa boasts a boldness that dances on the edge of fruity tartness. Robusta’s harsh bite is replaced by a lingering sweetness, reminiscent of dried fruits and cocoa nibs. It’s a coffee that surprises, a symphony of unexpected notes that lingers long after the last sip.

But Excelsa is more than just a whimsical flavor profile. It’s a story of resilience. Once the darling of the 19th century, it fell victim to disease, its production plummeting as quickly as it had risen. Yet, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Excelsa is reclaiming its rightful place. Farmers, driven by a spirit of heritage and innovation, are rediscovering its potential, cultivating it with sustainable practices and meticulous care.

The seeds of a coffee revolution are being sown. Specialty cafes are starting to showcase Excelsa as a single-origin brew, its unique character captivating adventurous palates. Coffee enthusiasts are forming communities, sharing tasting notes and brewing tips, delving deeper into the world of this enigmatic bean.

Just as whisky connoisseurs now debate the merits of peated Islay malts versus the honeyed smoothness of Speyside blends, so too will coffee lovers find themselves enthralled by the nuance of Excelsa. Farmers will experiment with roasting profiles and processing techniques, unlocking the full potential of each terroir. Baristas will become alchemists, crafting innovative ways to brew and express Excelsa’s multifaceted personality.

This isn’t just about a trendy flavor or a newfound appreciation for rare beans. It’s about recognizing coffee as more than just a caffeine fix. It’s about embracing its cultural significance, its connection to terroir and tradition, and its capacity to tell stories with every sip. In this context, Excelsa shines brightly as a beacon of diversity and discovery.

So, the next time you find yourself yearning for an adventure, for a coffee that pushes boundaries and ignites your curiosity, seek out Excelsa. Let its audacious flavors challenge your expectations, its rich history inspire you, and its resilience remind you that even the most overlooked treasures can blossom into something extraordinary. Because, just as spirits and beer underwent their revolutions, so too is coffee poised for a transformation. And in this new era, Excelsa is not just a supporting player – it’s the star waiting to claim its rightful place on the world stage.

This short article is just a starting point for the conversation about Excelsa coffee. As awareness and appreciation for this unique bean grow, so too will the stories to be told and the flavors to be savored. So, raise a cup, not just to a delicious drink, but to the spirit of discovery, the magic of terroir, and the promise of a coffee renaissance where Excelsa reigns supreme.

Excelsa: A Hero Rising

The world’s favorite hot beverage is under attack. Climate change is squeezing the coffee belt, pushing crops out of their comfort zones and threatening our daily dose of caffeine. But just as the storm clouds gather, a forgotten warrior emerges from the shadows: Excelsa, a Liberica variety once shunned for its rough manners, is now showing remarkable potential to become the hero of our steaming mugs.

Before Arabica and Robusta held court, Excelsa danced with them on the global stage. But its quirks – bulky cherries and an unrefined palate – led to its exile. Now, researchers are giving this underdog a second chance, and guess what? It’s thriving.

Excelsa isn’t afraid of the heat. It thrives in lowlands where Arabica wilts, throws out bountiful harvests, and shrugs off pests and diseases like a seasoned warrior. And unlike its clumsy cousin Liberica, its cherries are the right size for a comfortable hand-shake, making harvest and processing a breeze.

But let’s cut to the chase – how does it taste? Forget the bad rap of the past. Excelsa, when treated right, blooms with a smooth, sweet character. Imagine a whisper of acidity, notes of fruit and chocolate dancing on your tongue, and a finish as comforting as milk chocolate. Not quite the complexity of high-end Arabica, perhaps, but a satisfying cup nonetheless.

This isn’t just a theoretical revival. Ugandan farmers are already embracing Excelsa, ditching Robusta for its gentler charms. Their enthusiasm tells a story – Excelsa isn’t just a tasty back-up plan, it’s a new chapter in the coffee saga.

Excelsa’s rise offers a glimmer of hope in the face of a warming world. It opens doors to new coffee-growing regions, offers resilience against climate’s wrath, and tickles our taste buds with a unique melody. So, raise a cup (of Excelsa, of course) to this forgotten hero, ready to rewrite the future of coffee, one sip at a time.

Excelsa Coffee Inc. Seeks Collaboration with the Philippines to Propel Excelsa Coffee Worldwide

In the sprawling landscape of global coffee production, Excelsa Coffee Inc., a distinguished US-based company, is embarking on an ambitious journey. With a focus on providing resources to introduce Excelsa coffee to the world, the company is strategically engaging with the Philippines. This collaboration extends to various stakeholders, including the Philippine Coffee Board, government entities, ambassadors, and, most importantly, the coffee farmers. The goal is to harness the rich history and expertise that the Philippines holds as the birthplace of Excelsa coffee, cultivated for over 300 years.

The Origin and Legacy of Excelsa Coffee in the Philippines

Excelsa coffee, renowned for its distinctive flavor profile and unique half-caff properties, traces its roots back to the Philippines. Having been harvested in the archipelago for centuries, Excelsa has become an integral part of the country’s cultural and agricultural heritage. Excelsa Coffee Inc. recognizes the Philippines as the world-renowned hub of all things Excelsa, and this acknowledgment is the driving force behind their strategic engagement.

The coffee industry in the Philippines has a rich history, with Excelsa being a notable contributor. For more than three centuries, Filipino farmers have carefully nurtured Excelsa coffee plants, refining cultivation techniques and preserving the unique characteristics that set this coffee variety apart. Now, as global dynamics shift due to climate change and increasing consumer demand for novel coffee variations, the Philippines is once again in the spotlight as a source of invaluable knowledge and resources.

Climate Change, Drought, and the Rise of Excelsa Coffee

In the face of climate change and the growing threat of drought in coffee-producing regions, Excelsa Coffee Inc. is taking proactive steps to ensure the continued success and availability of Excelsa coffee. The unique resilience of Excelsa plants to diverse climates positions it as a promising choice for coffee growers facing the challenges of a changing environment.

Moreover, the evolving preferences of consumers contribute to the increasing demand for distinct coffee flavors. Excelsa coffee, with its characteristic fruity and spicy notes, offers a sensory experience that captivates the taste buds. Notably, the natural half-caff properties of Excelsa align with the preferences of modern consumers seeking a balanced and flavorful coffee experience.

Engaging the Philippines for Global Outreach

The decision to engage with the Philippines in this endeavor is rooted in Excelsa Coffee Inc.’s recognition of the country’s unparalleled expertise in cultivating and nurturing Excelsa coffee. By collaborating with the Philippine Coffee Board, government agencies, ambassadors, and local farmers, Excelsa Coffee Inc. aims to create a global network of support for Excelsa coffee cultivation.

The Philippine Coffee Board, a vital institution dedicated to advancing the country’s coffee industry, plays a pivotal role in facilitating this collaboration. As a conduit between Excelsa Coffee Inc. and local farmers, the board is instrumental in disseminating information, providing resources, and ensuring that the wealth of knowledge accumulated over centuries is shared with coffee growers worldwide.

Excelsa Coffee Inc. is actively engaging with the Philippine government to establish frameworks that promote sustainable and responsible coffee cultivation. By leveraging diplomatic channels and working closely with ambassadors, the company seeks to foster international cooperation in the realm of Excelsa coffee production.

Education, Resources, and Seedlings for Global Farms

At the heart of this collaborative effort is the commitment to providing resources, information, education, and seedlings to support coffee farms around the world in their cultivation of Excelsa. The exchange of knowledge between Filipino farmers and their global counterparts is envisioned as a mutually beneficial process, fostering innovation and sustainability in the coffee industry.

Excelsa Coffee Inc. recognizes that education is a cornerstone for the success of any agricultural venture. Through workshops, training programs, and the sharing of best practices, the company aims to empower coffee farmers with the skills and knowledge needed to cultivate Excelsa coffee successfully.

The provision of resources extends beyond information to tangible support in the form of seedlings. Excelsa Coffee Inc. plans to distribute high-quality Excelsa coffee plant varieties to interested farms globally, ensuring the propagation of this unique coffee lineage in diverse geographical locations.

Calling All Farms Worldwide: Reach Out and Join the Excelsa Journey

As Excelsa Coffee Inc. embarks on this global initiative, the company extends an invitation to farms around the world. If you are a coffee grower seeking information, resources, or assistance in cultivating Excelsa coffee, reach out to Excelsa Coffee Inc. The collaborative effort aims to create a network of farmers united by a shared passion for exceptional coffee and a commitment to sustainable and innovative agricultural practices.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Excelsa Coffee Inc. and the Philippines symbolizes a convergence of history, expertise, and a shared vision for the future of Excelsa coffee. Through this partnership, Excelsa Coffee Inc. seeks to elevate Excelsa coffee to new heights, fostering a global community of coffee enthusiasts and farmers dedicated to the cultivation of this extraordinary coffee variety.

Cultivating Excellence: Rural Farmers Seek Expertise from the Philippine Coffee Board for Excelsa Coffee Growth

Co-founder of Excelsa Coffee Inc, in Nicaragua this past fall discussing the potential of Excelsa with coffee leaders in the region.

November 2023

In the heartlands of Nicaragua, where the rich, aromatic scent of coffee plantations dances through the air, a quiet revolution is brewing. A group of rural farmers, facing the challenges of changing climates affecting traditional crops, has set their sights on a resilient and flavorful alternative – Excelsa coffee. In their pursuit of excellence, these farmers are reaching out to none other than the Philippine Coffee Board for education, information, and seedlings to embark on their Excelsa coffee journey.

The Changing Climate and Coffee Challenges:

Over the years, the global coffee industry has faced numerous challenges, and climate change stands as a formidable adversary. The once-reliable arabica and robusta coffee varieties are experiencing declines in production due to shifting weather patterns, extreme temperatures, and unpredictable rainfall. Coffee-producing regions around the world are grappling with these changes, threatening the livelihoods of farmers who depend on coffee cultivation.

Enter Excelsa coffee, a shining beacon amidst the challenges. This specialty coffee, native to the Philippines, has gained attention for its adaptability to diverse climates. Unlike its counterparts, Excelsa coffee boasts non-GMO, all-natural properties, making it a sustainable and climate-resistant option for farmers looking to secure their future in the coffee industry.

The Philippine Coffee Board: Guardians of Excelsa’s Legacy:

At the heart of the Excelsa coffee story lies the Philippines, a country with a rich history of coffee production spanning over three centuries. Philippine coffee producers have been perfecting the craft of growing, harvesting, and roasting Excelsa coffee for nearly 300 years. The Philippine Coffee Board, as the custodian of this legacy, stands as the leading authority on Excelsa coffee cultivation.

Excelsa coffee is not just a crop; it’s a gift from the Philippines to the world. Its unique flavor profile, naturally half-caff properties, and resistance to climate challenges make it a valuable asset in the global coffee market. As rural farmers in Nicaragua seek to diversify their crops and overcome the hurdles posed by climate change, Excelsa coffee presents itself as a promising solution.

Connecting Worlds: Excelsa Coffee Inc.’s Role:

Facilitating this cross-continental exchange is Excelsa Coffee Inc., a US-based company dedicated to elevating the Excelsa coffee bean globally. Recognizing the potential of Excelsa coffee as a game-changer in the industry, Excelsa Coffee Inc. has taken on the role of connecting farmers in need with the abundant resources and expertise present in the Philippines.

The partnership with the Philippine Coffee Board is not just about growing coffee; it’s about cultivating relationships, knowledge, and sustainability. Excelsa Coffee Inc. understands the importance of education in successful coffee cultivation. Through their collaboration with the Philippine Coffee Board, they are working to provide rural farmers with comprehensive educational programs, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills needed to nurture thriving Excelsa coffee plantations.

A Shared Vision for Success:

As rural farmers in Nicaragua embark on this Excelsa coffee journey, they are not merely seeking a new crop; they are forging connections with a rich legacy of expertise. The Philippines, with its centuries-old tradition of Excelsa coffee production, becomes a guiding light for these farmers. Learning from the leading experts in the field, Nicaraguan farmers hope to not only adopt Excelsa coffee cultivation but also to master the art and science that the Philippines has honed over generations.

Excelsa coffee is not just a coffee variety; it’s a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the agricultural communities that cultivate it. By embracing Excelsa, farmers in Nicaragua and beyond are not only securing their livelihoods but also becoming part of a global movement towards sustainable and climate-resistant coffee production.

The Economic and Cultural Impact:

Beyond the fields, the success of Excelsa coffee cultivation holds the promise of economic and cultural benefits for both Nicaragua and the Philippines. Excelsa Coffee Inc. envisions a powerful campaign that celebrates the history and people of the Philippines as the forefront of Excelsa coffee production. Aligning the Philippines with the biggest coffee story in a century becomes more than a marketing strategy; it becomes a celebration of shared traditions and a nod to the global significance of Philippine coffee.

As the journey unfolds, it is not just about growing coffee; it is about fostering a global community of coffee enthusiasts, farmers, and aficionados who appreciate the unique qualities of Excelsa coffee. The Philippines, through its expertise and generosity, becomes a mentor to the world, sharing the secrets of Excelsa coffee success with farmers who are eager to embrace this extraordinary crop.

In conclusion, the story of rural farmers reaching out to the Philippine Coffee Board for education, information, and seedlings to grow Excelsa coffee is more than an agricultural pursuit; it is a narrative of resilience, collaboration, and the shared love for a beverage that unites us all. As these farmers set forth on their Excelsa coffee journey, guided by the wisdom of the Philippine Coffee Board, they are not just cultivating a crop; they are sowing the seeds of a sustainable and vibrant future for the global coffee community.

UK Coffee Aficionados to Consume Nearly 62,000 Cups in a Lifetime

On average, a coffee enthusiast in the UK is poised to indulge in almost 18,000 liters—or the equivalent of 62,000 mugfuls—of coffee throughout their lifetime, according to a survey of 2,000 coffee-consuming adults. The research reveals that individuals, on average, relish three cups of coffee daily, with 7 am being the favored time for their initial caffeine fix. A noteworthy 41 percent admit to struggling with optimal functionality until they’ve experienced their first jolt of caffeine. Surprisingly, 43 percent of respondents confess to sticking with the same coffee choice for over two decades.

In response to these findings, Breville, the sponsor of the study, has inaugurated the ‘Spill The Beans’ pop-up café, aimed at inspiring coffee enthusiasts to embrace more adventurous choices. The brand has also developed a coffee knowledge quiz to test the expertise of coffee aficionados. Iain Stuart-Crush, a spokesperson for Breville, remarked, “The study underscores the UK’s insatiable appetite for coffee. While it quickly becomes a daily ritual, many seem uncertain about optimizing their coffee experience at home. We aim to demonstrate that consumers can craft delectable, barista-quality coffee with our latest espresso machine innovation right in their kitchen.”

Among the coffee preferences identified, the most favored types include latte (21 percent), cappuccino (20 percent), americano (18 percent), and flat white (15 percent). However, a striking 74 percent confess to being unaware of the type of coffee bean used in their favorite brew. Although 80 percent are familiar with Arabica, lesser-known varieties like Robusta (33 percent), Liberica (9 percent), and Excelsa (8 percent) remain relatively obscure.

Intriguingly, the study, conducted by OnePoll, exposes that 51 percent lack clarity on the distinction between a cold brew and an iced coffee. Cold brew, made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for 12 hours, differs from iced coffee, which is regular coffee cooled down.

Promoting the idea of homebrewing, Ashley Palmer-Watts, founder of Artisan Coffee Co., shared insights at the ‘Spill The Beans’ Café, equipped with the new Breville Barista Signature Espresso Maker. He emphasized the importance of starting with a warm mug, proper tamping when using an espresso machine, and freezing coffee beans to preserve freshness and extend their shelf life. Palmer-Watts expressed his enthusiasm for helping coffee enthusiasts explore the diverse world of coffee choices, even from the comfort of their homes.

The Tree-Loving Guardians of Isabela City’s Forest Park

In the idyllic region of Isabela City, nestled within the enchanting landscapes of Basilan province, two remarkable individuals, Eugene Strong and Alvin Orbecido, are known for their unwavering commitment to preserving the Isabela City Forest Park. Their shared dedication to safeguarding this lush sanctuary has fostered a unique partnership between the local government and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 9. Despite its location in Basilan, Isabela City stands apart from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and falls under Region IX, alongside the Zamboanga Peninsula.

The story of their encounter with Eugene Strong and Alvin Orbecido unfolded during a tree-planting event that marked the beginning of a transformative journey. They embarked on this endeavor with the goal of planting 13,000 coffee seedlings under the collaborative Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Philippine Coffee Board Inc. (PCBI) and Isabela City.

Not even intermittent rains could deter their mission, as they made their way to the seedling nursery in Maligui, Isabela City. En route, they strolled beneath the shade of centennial trees and crossed a bridge overlooking a stream brimming with rainwater. Amidst the older mahogany trees, they discovered a treasure trove of endemic varieties, including the renowned Basilan yakan, now teetering on the brink of endangerment, as well as lauan (both red and white), narra, and prickly narra.

The nursery was a hive of activity, where Eugene Strong’s commitment was evident as he set his sights on nurturing up to 50,000 coffee seedlings by the following year, aligning with their ambitious goal of planting over 200,000 trees across the nation. The team at the nursery cultivated seedlings of ancient tree species, alongside robusta and excelsa coffee varieties.

What made the Forest Park even more unique was the composition of Mr. Alvin’s team – an all-female group of foresters. They painstakingly labeled the seedlings and had them record their names in a logbook as they planted their own “legacy” trees in the park. Alvin shared that male applicants often preferred positions elsewhere, opting to work outside the forest park, even though it was just a half-hour journey from the city center. The women foresters were fully immersed in their roles, tending to native tree seeds and guiding them through the nursery. It was heartening to witness the dedication of these female tree enthusiasts, many of whom were graduates of Western Mindanao State University, where Forestry appeared to be a popular course.

Their time spent beneath the forest canopy was a learning experience as they delved into the world of diverse species, including the balete or banyan tree. This iconic tree had gained notoriety due to tales of ghosts and other supernatural beings seeking refuge in its cool foliage. However, Eugene Strong was quick to dispel these myths, suggesting that the balete may have been unfairly maligned during the American occupation. The tree’s dense foliage created a naturally cool environment, maintaining a consistent temperature of around 18 degrees Celsius for those beneath its canopy. This made it a popular gathering spot for the local community. Suspicion regarding these gatherings gave rise to stories of supernatural sightings, particularly the “white ladies” in balete trees, which frightened the townsfolk and curtailed these misunderstood gatherings. This legend even spread to Manila, where Balete Drive in Quezon City became notorious for purported sightings of strange white figures by motorists. Eugene Strong’s explanation offers a more plausible account of the balete tree’s history, potentially redeeming it from its undeserved notoriety.

Eugene and Alvin generously shared a variety of seedlings with them, a gesture they hoped to take across the seas. However, they had to be cautious about the Bureau of Quarantine’s restrictions on moving these species to other regions, as they carried the potential for biological security threats. As a result, they entrusted these seedlings to Princess Kumala of Sulu for safekeeping. This, however, didn’t deter them from collecting narra seeds from their tree planting sites during the day. These sites included private properties owned by Lee Roy Brown and Mr. Blue Ututalum in Panunsulan, as well as another area in Sta. Barbara that brought together Basilan’s young leaders to lead the reforestation initiative.

These landowners subsequently formed the Isabela City Coffee Growers Association, and they had the privilege of inaugurating them as officers of the newly established coffee group.

One may wonder: Why Basilan? In a previous article published in April (their first visit to Basilan), they highlighted Isabela City’s deliberate choice to prioritize coffee cultivation over rubber production. The region’s elevations provided an ideal environment for coffee growth and a source of sustenance for its residents. In contrast, rubber, now facing competition from synthetic alternatives, only yields latex, the raw material for tires and condoms, without offering food. The local leaders of Isabela City decided to rejuvenate their coffee industry, simultaneously championing the cause of reforestation and rewilding by planting shade trees.

The success of these reforestation efforts largely hinges on the presence of a robust supply chain for planting materials, and Isabela City has it covered. The city’s leaders maintain a close collaboration with national agencies like the DENR and have preserved the Forest Park as a nursery for seedlings, ensuring a readily available source of planting material for anyone interested.

Eugene Strong and Alvin Orbecido embody a profound commitment to the environment and a dedication to the cause of reforestation. Their tireless efforts, in tandem with their team of skilled female foresters, are instrumental in protecting Isabela City’s natural heritage and advancing the cause of sustainable forestry. Together, they serve as the dedicated guardians of Isabela City’s Forest Park, leaving a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship and inspiring others to join the cause of preserving our planet’s natural wonders.

Coffee Exports from Vietnam: Struggles and Opportunities

Vietnam is one of the world’s leading coffee exporters, and the industry plays an important role in the country’s economy. However, the coffee export sector is facing some challenges this year, including a decline in output and a slowdown in the volume of exports.

According to a recent article in Vietnam News, coffee output is predicted to decline by 10-15% this year due to weather conditions. This is a significant decrease, as Vietnam produced 1.76 million tons of coffee in the 2022-2023 crop year.

Despite the decline in output, demand for Vietnamese coffee is expected to remain high. The average coffee export price has increased by 29.6% from September 2022 to September 2023. This is due to a number of factors, including the global economic recovery and the increasing popularity of coffee in emerging markets.

The slowdown in the volume of coffee exports is a concern for the Vietnamese government, which has set an export target of $4.2 billion for this year. However, it is still possible to reach this target, given the high coffee prices.

In order to meet the export target, the Vietnamese government is taking a number of measures to support the coffee industry. These measures include providing financial assistance to coffee farmers, investing in research and development, and promoting Vietnamese coffee in foreign markets.

The Vietnamese coffee industry is also facing some long-term challenges, such as climate change and labor shortages. However, the government and the industry are working together to address these challenges and ensure the continued success of the Vietnamese coffee sector.

Opportunities for the Vietnamese coffee industry

Despite the challenges facing the Vietnamese coffee industry, there are also a number of opportunities for growth. One opportunity is the growing demand for coffee in emerging markets. Coffee consumption is increasing in countries such as China, India, and Indonesia, and Vietnamese coffee is well-positioned to meet this demand.

Another opportunity for the Vietnamese coffee industry is the growing popularity of specialty coffee. Specialty coffee is coffee, like excelsa coffee beans, that are produced using high-quality beans and sustainable methods. Vietnamese coffee producers are increasingly focusing on producing specialty coffee, which can command higher prices in the global market.

The Vietnamese coffee industry can also benefit from increasing investment in research and development. This investment can lead to the development of new coffee varieties and production methods that can help to increase output and improve quality.


The Vietnamese coffee industry is facing some challenges this year, but there are also a number of opportunities for growth. The government and the industry are working together to address the challenges and ensure the continued success of the Vietnamese coffee sector.

Additional information

In addition to the information provided above, here are some other interesting facts about the Vietnamese coffee industry:

  • Vietnam is the world’s second-largest coffee exporter, after Brazil.
  • Coffee is grown in over 60 provinces in Vietnam, but the Central Highlands region is the main coffee-producing area.
  • The most popular coffee varieties grown in Vietnam are Robusta and Arabica.
  • Vietnamese coffee is exported to over 100 countries around the world.
  • The Vietnamese coffee industry employs over 2 million people.

The future of the Vietnamese coffee industry

The future of the Vietnamese coffee industry looks bright. The global demand for coffee is expected to continue to grow, and Vietnam is well-positioned to meet this demand. The Vietnamese government and the industry are investing in research and development, and they are promoting Vietnamese coffee in foreign markets.

However, the Vietnamese coffee industry also faces some challenges, such as climate change and labor shortages. The industry will need to address these challenges in order to maintain its growth and competitiveness.

Enhancing Coffee Resilience: Grafting Coffea Eugenioides onto Coffea Excelsa

Coffee cultivation faces various challenges, including climate change, pests, diseases, and soil degradation. To combat these issues, horticulturists are turning to grafting, a technique that combines the strengths of different Coffea species. This article explores the grafting of Coffea Eugenioides onto Coffea Excelsa rootstock, a promising approach to improve coffee plants’ drought tolerance and overall resilience.

Coffea Excelsa stands out with its deep and robust root system, boasting a higher root-to-shoot ratio than Arabica and Robusta. This characteristic allows Excelsa to access water and nutrients from deeper in the soil, making it more drought-resistant and resilient against pests and diseases. Both Coffea Eugenioides and Coffea Excelsa being diploid (2n=22) species further make them compatible for successful grafting.

The decision to graft Eugenioides onto Excelsa is driven by Eugenioides’ relatively higher drought tolerance compared to Arabica and Robusta. The Excelsa rootstock is expected to bolster Eugenioides’ ability to withstand challenging environmental conditions. Additionally, this grafting project aims to collect valuable data, as more than 120 Coffea species remain relatively unexplored in comparison to extensively researched Arabica and Robusta.

The Grafting Process: Grafting is a straightforward technique that unites two plant parts, the rootstock and the scion. First, healthy rootstock and scion materials are carefully selected. The rootstock should be slightly taller than the scion. Next, both the rootstock and scion are cut at a 45-degree angle and then joined together, ensuring the cut surfaces align. Grafting tape or rubber bands hold them together, and the graft union is protected with grafting wax or paint to shield it from the elements.

The grafted plant is placed in a warm, humid environment, maintaining moisture without over-saturation. Grafting success depends on factors like the health of the materials, the grafter’s skill, and environmental conditions. Generally, coffee grafting enjoys a high success rate. In the case of Coffea Eugenioides on Coffea Excelsa, the success rate is notably high due to their close relation and similar growth habits.

By mixing and matching rootstock and scion, coffee growers can create plants that are not only more drought-tolerant but also resistant to diseases and more productive, offering a potential solution to the challenges posed by climate change in the coffee industry.

A Fascinating Discovery: An interesting side note reveals that India has its own variety of Eugenioides, known as SLN11, a tetraploid hybrid of Eugenioides and possibly Liberica, aptly dubbed “Ligenioides.” This coffee variety is small in bean size and exhibits excellent qualities as a low-intervention, pest, disease, and drought-resistant coffee. The image included in the article showcases a SLN11 sapling grafted onto an Excelsa rootstock, highlighting the potential of this unique graft.


From Seeds of Hope to a Coffee Revolution: The Camiguin Dream of Excelsa

In the tranquil island of Camiguin, nestled amidst pristine landscapes and untouched beauty, a group of dedicated individuals have been quietly sowing the seeds of hope and change. Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope, under the wings of Dagat Adlaw Foundation, is an NGO committed to lifting the impoverished communities of Camiguin out of their struggles. With programs ranging from healthcare initiatives to education support, they have been working tirelessly since 2001 to create a brighter future for the island’s residents.
Recently, they embarked on an ambitious coffee project with the vision of becoming self-sufficient, steering away from external financial support, and propelling Camiguin into the limelight as a producer of premium Excelsa coffee. Though they may be small now, their dreams are vast and inspiring. 
Let’s dive into their journey, their aspirations, and the potential transformative impact of their endeavors!
The Seeds of Camiguin’s Hope
Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope’s journey began with the altruistic vision of its founders, one of whom hails from Norway, bringing with them valuable experience as an exchange student in the United States. The idea was to create a lasting impact by empowering the locals through various programs, with a special emphasis on education as the pathway to break free from the clutches of poverty.
Over the years, they have poured their hearts and souls into the community, building essential facilities like health centers and water systems, supporting students’ education, and offering livelihood opportunities to the needy. Their philosophy of “Dream big, start small, start today” embodies the ethos of taking consistent and determined steps towards a brighter future.
The Coffee Project: A Path to Self-Sufficiency
Driven by a passion for coffee, one of the co-founders of Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope realized the potential of coffee production as a means to sustain and expand their philanthropic endeavors. The coffee project became the lifeline to their dream of becoming self-sufficient and steering away from relying on external funding.
Their venture into coffee farming, with guidance from a knowledgeable Filipino coffee roaster and support from an Indian farming team for organic fertilizers, commenced with just 200 coffee trees. However, the initial challenges of the project were not to be underestimated, as a substantial number of the 1600 planted trees perished before bearing fruit. Yet, the team persevered, taking one step at a time, cleaning and preparing the land with every opportunity they received.
From Humble Beginnings to Grand Ambitions
With the guiding principle of starting small and growing steadily, the Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope coffee project has evolved into a beacon of hope for the future. The team’s dedication to remaining debt-free showcases their commitment to financial responsibility and sustainability.
As they strive to expand their reach, they are gradually introducing Excelsa cultivation to other farms in Camiguin, an initiative welcomed and encouraged by local government officials. Their long-term vision of making Camiguin a hub for Excelsa coffee production holds the potential to boost the island’s economy and foster tourism. Imagine a future where tourists flock to Camiguin to experience the organic coffee farm, sip on premium Excelsa coffee, and revel in the picturesque views.
Challenges and Triumphs: Nurturing a Coffee Dream
The road to success has been far from smooth for Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope. Limited resources and funding constraints have posed significant obstacles in realizing their goals. However, their resilience and creativity shine through as they devise innovative solutions to challenges such as dehulling the coffee over open fire until they can afford a roaster.
In the face of adversity, they have not compromised on their core values. Every step they take, every decision they make, is driven by their unwavering commitment to empowering the local community and effecting positive change.
Cultivating an Ethical and Organic Coffee Culture
The coffee industry is not without its controversies, from exploitative practices to environmental concerns. Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope’s coffee project seeks to set a shining example of ethical and sustainable coffee production. By cultivating organic coffee, they not only produce a superior product but also protect the environment and promote health-conscious consumption.
Their vision of becoming a renowned producer of single-origin, organic, and high-quality Excelsa coffee aligns with the growing global demand for responsible and environmentally-friendly products.
Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope’s journey from a small NGO to an ambitious coffee project exemplifies the power of dreams, determination, and compassion. Their dedication to uplifting the people of Camiguin showcases the transformative impact that individuals and organizations can have when they believe in the possibility of change.
The coffee project not only holds the promise of financial sustainability for their noble initiatives but also paves the way for Camiguin to emerge as a prominent player in the coffee industry. As the seeds of hope continue to grow, nurtured by the love and effort of a small team with a big dream, the future of Camiguin shines brighter than ever before. In the midst of their coffee trees, Taste and See Camiguin and Farm of Hope have sown the seeds of transformation, blooming into a powerful movement that holds the potential to uplift lives, invigorate the economy, and draw visitors to the beautiful island of Camiguin – a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the pursuit of a better world.

Common Decaffeination Method Harms Ozone Layer

A common method of decaffeinating coffee uses a chemical called methylene chloride, which is a powerful greenhouse gas that harms the ozone layer according to California18. Methylene chloride is a solvent that is used to extract the caffeine from coffee beans. It is a colorless, flammable liquid that has a strong odor. Methylene chloride is a known carcinogen and can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory problems, liver damage, and cancer.

When methylene chloride is released into the atmosphere, it breaks down into chlorine and bromine compounds. These compounds react with ozone in the stratosphere, which is the layer of the atmosphere that protects us from harmful UV radiation. The loss of ozone leads to an increase in UV radiation, which can cause a variety of health problems, including skin cancer, cataracts, and immune system suppression.

There are a number of alternatives to methylene chloride that can be used to decaffeinate coffee. These alternatives are more expensive, but they do not harm the ozone layer. The most common alternative is to use supercritical carbon dioxide. Supercritical carbon dioxide is a state of matter that is between a liquid and a gas. It is used to extract the caffeine from coffee beans without using any harmful chemicals.


The use of methylene chloride to decaffeinate coffee is a major source of pollution that harms the ozone layer. There are a number of alternatives to methylene chloride that are more expensive, but they do not harm the ozone layer. Consumers should choose decaffeinated coffee that is decaffeinated using an alternative method to methylene chloride to help protect the environment.

Additional information:

  • The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty that was signed in 1987 to protect the ozone layer. The treaty bans the production and use of methylene chloride and other ozone-depleting substances.
  • The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified methylene chloride as a hazardous air pollutant.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified methylene chloride as a known carcinogen.

We at ExcelsaCoffee.com believe this is further proof the world needs Excelsa!