What is the Excelsa Coffee Bean?

The Excelsa Coffee Bean is a variety of the Liberica Coffee Tree and is known for its unusual angular shape. The tree originated in Africa, but is also grown in Asia, and has been named as one of the four main coffee types by the International Coffee Organization. The beans are more commonly used in blends than single origin coffees though.


Excelsa coffee beans are a well-known type of bean that is grown in Africa. These particular trees have a history dating back throughout the ages, as they were first discovered in Vietnam, and then used within the Middle East. These trees were brought to Thailand by Arab traders many years ago, and today they are still produced in both Thailand and Panama, where they are grown on a large scale.


The Excelsa fruit has an oval shape similar to a cherry, with an unripe fruit being green in color and a ripe fruit having a bright red color. When ripe, the fruit splits open to expose two seeds, which are harvested for their coffee beans. The fruits ripen at different times through the year, which allows for harvesting throughout the year rather than just once each year like with other types of fruits. The Excelsa coffee cherry typically has 5 seeds or beans, compared to 2 in Arabica, and 1 in Robusta. The fruit may be green, yellow or red in color when ripe. This depends on the species as well as terroir, and climate. Excelsa cherries are generally larger than those of Arabica varieties, being about 1 cm long.


Excelsa is a type of coffee plant that is mostly cultivated in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. The coffee beans are small and have a relatively low caffeine content when compared to other types of coffee beans. Excelsa is the second most popular type of coffee bean after arabica. Coffee beans from the Excelsa plant come from the tropical regions of South East Asia, where they are grown on large trees that can reach an average height of 10 meters.


Excelsa Coffee Beans have their own unique flavor profiles. The flavor of a certain roast can vary depending on where the beans were grown and what kind of climate they were grown in. They are often described as having a strong taste and flavor with a heavy body. Their flavors are typically described with notes of cherry, caramelized sugar, and molasses.

The Four Types of Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are, in the most general terms, either hard or soft. Hard beans produce strong coffee; soft beans make mild coffee. The four types of beans are from over countries, and their crops can be categorized more specifically into four groups: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa. Let’s get to know each of the beans in coffee, their unique flavors, and what makes each of them special.


The majority of specialty coffees come from the Arabica species of coffee beans. Arabica coffee trees are native to Ethiopia, and were first exported by the Dutch to Java in 1699. They’re known for their milder, more complex flavors than other types of coffee beans. Arabica makes up 60% of all coffee consumption in the world, and most Arabica coffee comes from South America, Central America and East Africa. Arabica coffee is known for its sweet, smooth taste and higher acidity level. It’s also more expensive than Robusta coffee.


Robusta coffee trees are less finicky to grow than Arabica, which makes them cheaper to cultivate. They make up about 40% of the world’s coffee consumption, and are usually used in instant coffees or as filler in ground coffees due to their strong flavor and high caffeine content (about twice that of an Arabica bean). Robusta plants generally have higher resistance to diseases than arabicas. Most Robusta comes from West Africa and Indonesia. Robusta has a stronger flavor and less acidity than Arabica, but it is higher in caffeine.


Liberica, also called Liberian coffee, is a rare species of coffee. It has a strong but very complex taste and aroma that is described as woody, nutty, chocolaty and even fruity. The beans are larger than any other variety and the tree on which it grows is the tallest among coffea species. The Liberica tree is native to Liberia, but the Philippines are the only place in the world where this tree is cultivated commercially. A priest from Liberia brought Liberica seeds to the Philippines in 1843 and Filipino growers have embraced these coffee beans and now grow them on a commercial scale.


The Excelsa coffee bean is native to the African continent, and it has been traced back to the early 1900s in Rwanda. Excelsa trees can be found in many other countries like Vietnam and Thailand, but since they thrive in warm, wet climates, they are typically grown in Africa. The Excelsa coffee bean is often associated with flavor notes such as fruit, caramel, cocoa and nuts. Also it has a higher caffeine content than many other types, which makes it particularly enjoyable for people who love to drink their morning cup in order to wake up and get going with the day.